Colleges Of Education School Fees For 2022/2023 Academic Year
The Conference of Principals of the College of Education (PRINCOF) has released the school fees for all the forty-six (46) accredited Colleges of Education.
According to PRINCOF in a release, they said in line with the 15.3 % increment of the last academic year’s fees, they have prepared the next academic year’s school fees adequately for teacher trainees.
Colleges Of Education School Fees For 2022/2023
Here is the Colleges Of Education School Fees For 2022/2023:
Level 400 trainees will pay a sum of GHS 1,148.68 as the approved fees for the 2023 academic year.
Level 300 trainees will pay a sum of GHS 1,407.31 as the approved fees for the 2023 academic year.
Level 200 trainees will pay a sum of GHS 1,645.91 as the approved fees for the 2023 academic year.
Level 300 trainees will pay a sum of GHS 2,991.49 as the approved fees for the 2023 academic year.
Additionally, teacher trainees were informed that the above-approved fees do not include Examination fees. The cost of Examination fees will be distributed soon by the affiliated Universities.